Friday, December 23, 2011

Creature #19: Leviathan

In Biblical tradition, Leviathan lies in a circle surrounding the world like Ouroboros but with the intention of over-coming it, not preserving it. ...The mindfulness of the pious was an active restraint upon Leviathan's perpetual attempt to meet head to tail. The Hebrew word liwiathan is translated as crocodile but its liwya (writhings) are more like those of a great serpent than any crocodile.

Deadline for all Leviathan action to be sent to January 9, 2012

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Creature #18: Krampus

The Krampus is the Winter Goat who goes about in the days between winter solstice and Epiphany (6 January) in the Austrian Perchtenlauf Festival. Elsewhere, the Krampus is known as the companion of St. Nicholas. Throughout the Austrian Tyrol, into Bavaria and parts of Italy, the Krampus is a fertility demon, with a long tail and fur, who carries a chain, a birch branch, and a big black bag. He acts as a foil to St Nicholas, for as the saint gives gifts at Christmas, so the Krampus punishes those who have been bad. Really bad children may even get carried off in his black sack. In Austria, the Krampus is also known as Knecht Rupecht or Black Peter, in Germany he can called Pelzebock, Pelznickel, Han Muff, Bartel, Black Pit, Gunphinkel or Stoppklos. St Nicholas's Eve (5 December) is also known as Krampus Day in some parts of the Austrian Tyrol.

Deadline for all action to be sent to Monday, December 19th.

The Fylgjas

Lizz Leiser

Lucas McCann

Lucas McCann

Ursula Stuby