Sunday, January 29, 2012

Creature #21: White Hart

In European folklore and heraldry, the white hart is a magical white stag whose appearance signifies the beginning of extraordinary adventures. White harts draw adventurers deep into the forest where lie the margins of the Otherworld... Th white hart appears in a notable episode of Sit Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, signally the beginning of King Arthur's reign.

Deadline for all White Heart action to be sent to Monday, February 27st

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Creature #20: Nifoloa

A Samoan insect with one sharp tooth the size of a man's finger, the Nifoloa's bite results in death unless medicine is given immediately. No puncture wound is visible but the victim suffers greatly. After the medicine is given, the tooth indentation will show up. The Nifoloa follows lone people walking home. If a wayfarer returns with the shivers and the healer is sent for, the medicine is never referred to by name, but called 'the medicine on the chief's tooth'. Nifoloa is cunning, however, and if he hears that a healer is searching for the right medicine, he will immediately strip the herbs from the ground that grow nearby.

Deadline for all Nifoloa action to be sent to Monday, January 23rd